HIPAA compliance is changing. New ways of working in the healthcare industry, the migration to digital, and evolving technologies have driven updates to the HIPAA privacy rule in 2023 that will become fully enforceable in 2024. But it's not just the official rules that have changed; it's also the approach to compliance.
To ensure HIPAA compliance for next year, it's imperative to understand the upcoming changes to HIPAA regulations, incorporate cybersecurity best practices, and prepare the workforce to identify threats. The right HIPAA compliance solution helps to train with SRAs, automated reminders, workforce training, and more.
The webinar focuses on 2024 – the sudden health information privacy challenges and enforcement changes that must be prepared to navigate.
Areas Covered:
Why Should You Attend:
2023 will be remembered as the year that enforcement of health information privacy breaches suddenly got very serious and spread far beyond OCR's HIPAA enforcement. Therefore, 2024 brings brand new challenges for protecting health information. By Attending this webinar, attendees will catch up with the recent enforcement wave and defend themselves in 2024.
Who Should Attend:
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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