Among the many types of charges to investigate are those alleging discrimination, harassment, and bullying. Regardless of which one, all should require a professionally written report documenting not only your findings of fact but that your investigation was done objectively, and in a timely manner. So, you need to be prepared to not just conduct a proper investigation but to also show that you did. That means your report must be beyond reproach so it can withstand any appeal or challenge which may negatively reflect upon the integrity and credibility of your investigation!
If done right your report can help remedy/resolve the situation. If done wrong, it all too often makes things worse. So, it pays to know how to do it right every step of the way.
In short, this webinar can help you and your organization understand demonstrate that you met the requirements to conduct an effective and professional investigation.
Let’s face it, it is a minefield out there so it’s important to be able to show you knew what you were doing and did it well!
The webinar topics will include:
This webinar benefits the following agencies- All
Who should attend?
All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff. All public and private sector organizations and professional organizations such as SHRM, IPMA-HR, NPELRA, PSHRA plus all professional HR and management associations along with any and all Unions.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
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